South Texas Swimming Sanctions
Sanctioning Steps
USA Swimming meet directors who want their meet sanctioned must fill out and submit the appropriate forms.
Meet Sanction Application |
Email your meet information and entry file to Sanctions Chair, Jessica Evans |
Fill out the Meet Income Statement |
Please send Meet recon files, Meet Manager backup files (for results), and the Meet Referee reports to the appropriate SWIMS user.
North teams Jessica Evans |
South teams Didi Byerly |
Policies and Procedures
- STSI Sanctioning Policies and Procedures for sanctioned, approved, and observed meets
- revised 7/10/24
- Safety and Warm-Up Procedures
- revised 10-27-22
- Meet 360 Guide (Safe Sport)
STSI Sanctioning
Policy and Procedures Safety and Warm-Up Procedures Meet 360 Guide
(Safe Sport)
Clubs were denied sanctions (through 2024 HOD) for failing to attend the 2023 South Texas Swimming HOD meeting.
Sanction News
From USAS Swimming (10/28/2023)
Update on Wireless, Semi-Automatic Timing System Use in Sanctioned Competition
Wireless systems such as the Dolphin, Swimmingly, Wylas and Time Drop may be used as semi-automatic timing systems to conduct a USA Swimming-sanctioned competition as long as those systems are operated within:
(1) the requirements of the USA Swimming Rulebook and
(2) follow the manufacturer’s specifications.
Please review the required protocols by clicking here for the USA Swimming Meet 360 guide.
USA Swimming Applicable Rules for semi-automatic timing are found in section 102.23 of the USA Swimming Rulebook.