LSC Officials Certification Standards FAQ
Updated 2024-04-10


New Officials Current Officials Training & Advancement Financial Assistance USA Swimming


Current Officials



Updated 9/6/24

Annual Recertification: South Texas officials must renew their USA Swimming membership annually. South Texas Swimming will reimburse your USA-S membership fee as follows:
  • Your membership must be current and in good standing (ie, all certifications, including APT, CPT, and BGC, must be valid)
  • You must live in the geographic area of South Texas Swimming
  • Save a copy of your payment receipt, and send it to the STX Treasurer within 30 days
  • Note: if any of your certifications are invalid, reimbursement requests should only be made when those certifications become valid.

Upcoming LSC and Other Championship Meets

Meet Name Dates Location Application Link
SC TAGS Mar 06-09, 2025 COM Aquatics at FMH Foundation Natatorium Application Link
National Meet Applications


National Certification

Your South Texas Swimming official’s certification (e.g Stroke and Turn Judge or Starter) is a local certification. Although that certification qualifies you to officiate swim meets across the country, there is a path to advancement through the National Officials Certification Program, administered by USA Swimming. Its primary goal is to expand the education of officials through mentoring, participation and evaluation as well as recognizing those officials who have demonstrated their knowledge of swim officiating at each level and position. South Texas Swimming supports the National Officials Certification Program by hosting Officials Qualifying Meets (OQM) to provide opportunities for evaluation and by providing financial assistance for South Texas officials to travel to specific national meets. More information is available here.

Helpful Forms

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